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Fourth World Design

Povolhoya - Butterflies

Povolhoya - Butterflies

Regular price $3.75 USD
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Gerald Dawavendewa (Hopi & Cherokee) Butterflies flutter away from desert sunflowers surrounded by a rainbow. These colorful beings are an important element in Hopi culture, they represent moisture, rain, fertility, and life. The Butterfly plays an important role in a ceremony named "Poliitikive" or the Butterfly dance, in which young girls represent the spirit of the butterflies traveling from flower to flower pollinating and giving life to the world around them. Sunflowers express the promise of life after rain, this symbol is placed on wicker plaques that are given to infant girls in their first year of life. Printed on heavy-gloss card stock measuring 5 by 7 inches when folded, our smudge-, fade-, and water-resistant ink ensures its lasting quality. Includes an explanation of the artwork, details about the indigenous culture that inspired it, biography of the artist.

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